Saturday, December 25, 2004


Parlor guitar - Redwood top and braces

So this morning I picked out a nice redwood top for the parlor guitar, joined the edges, and cut it to shape. I also sawed off some pieces at the end as they will be used for the back graft that strengthens the center seam on the back.

I also took a sitka spruce billet that was about 1" x 4" and resawed it into 5/16" wide pieces which will be used for bracing.

I used my $87 Ryobi bandsaw to do this. It was a pain in the butt to set it up. All of the bolts with philips heads on them were loctited in there so tight that I had to destroy the bolts to remove them. I had to use a dremel cutting wheel to cut a slot in them so I could turn them loose with a regular screw driver. I tossed the blade that came with it and replaced it with a decent Olson blade. Mark Duginske's Band Saw Handbook is a must if you own a bandsaw, even a piece of work like this one. I followed his instructions and got this saw adjusted and tuned the best that I could. It really doesn't do a terrible job, at least not for $87.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to post the pics of the cocobolo back after it was joined, and I also snapped a pic of the sides.

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