Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Drum (Sander) Roll Please

So I've had my drum sander for a while now and I still haven't used it once yet. I've been working a ton lately so I can afford to pay Uncle Sam the taxes I owe and haven't spent much time on the guitar making, which is driving me nuts. So tonight I decided that I needed to do something, so I did.

At least a month ago I had bought plywood and some locking casters with the idea of making a rolling stand for my new Performax drum sander. So tonight I hastily drew up a plan (in 3d because I'm fancy like that) and cut up the plywood to the needed sizes and started screwing the thing together. It's not pretty but it should work fine.

It's still not quite complete. I need to put in shelf rails so I can have removable shelves that slide in and out as needed. At the last minute, I had the idea of sizing the box so that my building form (as seen in a previous post) would be able to essentially become a shelf. Then I can store the body assembly out of the way when I'm working on the guitar top, and vice versa. In the pic it's sitting at the bottom of the box to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. I didn't have the right size screws to install the shelf rails, so that will have to wait for another day. I'll probably also stain it or something so it looks a little less thrown together.

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