Sunday, February 19, 2006


Buildoff: Top Braced

Here's the finished top. I was going to try to close up the box yesterday, but I'm having trouble getting the humidity up in my shop. It's been some of the coldest days we've had this winter, and the heater is running often. My humidifier's trying to keep up, but I'm barely keeping it above 30% humidity, and I want it to be up at 45% when I close up the box.

Here's the rest of the box, I think I forgot to post pics of this before.


Buildoff: Don't Fear the Ryoba

(The ryoba is a type of Japanese handsaw I used below)

I wanted to get started on building the neck for the buildoff guitar, but I had the last bits of the top bracing getting glued on in the go-bar deck sitting on top of my tablesaw. I had big plans of building a tablesaw jig to assist me in cutting the scarf joint on the neck, which you'll see me make below with a japanese handsaw.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Buildoff: Bracing the top


Buildoff - Rejoining the back

I skipped a whole important step on the buildoff guitar, so this is out of order. The whole point of removing the back was to rebrace it, because I wasn't happy with the job I had done on it. And the back had started to separate along the glue seam, so I took it all the way apart. I had to add some "wings" onto the lower bout since I had to remove material from the center joint, and also I had cut a little too close when I cut the outside perimeter of the back.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Top bracing and closing up the box

Sorry again for the lack of description...


The build-off's back

Sorry about the lack of posts, and the following lack of description...

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